fema region 9 organizational chart

MPA '02 – Leading lobbying efforts to show members of Congress the value of life insurance to constituents. It should be remembered that virtually all hazards, whether natural or technological, accidentally or deliberately caused, entail some secondary impacts. Chapter 11 will examine disaster recovery by discussing the activities of households, businesses, and government agencies as they attempt to restore the normal pattern of community activities. Recent events, especially the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, have made it obvious that the outcomes of at least some terrorist attacks can be considered disasters. Classification of Selected Hazard Agents. Found inside – Page 5... Omaha District CENWO - CTATIN Loreen Blume 106 South 15th Street Omaha , NE 6810218 Submittals must be recerved ... specific quality control procedures used dan organizational chart showing the inter - relationship of management d ... The generalizability principle held that, in the absence of real war, natural disasters provided the next best approximation to study human disaster response. They argued that federal fragmentation hampered effective preparedness planning and response, masked duplicate efforts, and made national preparedness a very expensive enterprise. There has been an increased concern with the development of conceptual schemes for explaining human behavior in disasters. The same people who were called upon to deal with floods also dealt with explosions, hurricanes, hazmat incidents, and tornadoes. PAGE 62 PAGE 1 Community and environmental monitoring Risk communication Sanctions Incentives Preparedness Mitigation Recovery Response Legal mandates State/federal resources Local resources Local priorities Environmental hazard management strategy development Hazard/vulnerability analysis E Founded in 1977, the Malibu Search & Rescue Team is an all volunteer organization comprised of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Reserve Deputy Sheriffs, a select few Civilian Volunteer Specialists and Incident Support Personnel.Team members volunteer their time and efforts to help others and the team does not charge for rescues. Found inside – Page 79 16 . . Lesson Outline . .. Federal Civil Defense Act 1950 , as amended , Excerpt National Security Decision Directive , FEMA News Release ... Sample County Government Organization Sample Local Emergency Services Organization Chart . In addition, their cost is spread over the entire community and often buried in the overall budget. There has been much discussion and only limited consensus among academic disaster researchers regarding either definitions of disaster or classification schemes for distinguishing among different types of disasters. Thus, Lindell and Perry (2000) contended the defining characteristic of hazard mitigation was that it provides passive protection at the time of disaster impact, whereas emergency preparedness measures develop the capability to conduct an active response at the time of disaster impact. 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701 TEL: 512-463-7847 / FAX: 512-475-2053. M.A. A typology of hazard agents is a system for classifying them into categories within which the social management demands are similar. Found inside – Page 116ery courses is made through the Regional Delivery Program Manager of the National Fire Academy using FEMA Form 75-5 . ... The application should include an organizational chart of the applicant's sponsoring organization and a resume . Among other reasons, their revenues simply could not support much specialization. Evaluation of the Emergency Management System The preceding discussion has examined the four principal functions of the emergency management system�mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the "Principles of Emergency Management" and representing those professionals whose goals are saving lives and protecting property and the … If the Sarin had been effectively aerosolized, the death and injury rates could have been phenomenal. It was clear, however, that �dual use� forced researchers to think about and conduct cross-disaster applications of various emergency functions�emergency assessment, hazard operations, population protection, and incident management. By contrast, risk communication seeks to change households� and businesses� practices for land use, building construction, and contents protection by pointing out the intrinsic consequences of their behavior. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (1996a, p. PH2.11), the Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as �the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives�. Managing Director, Performance Technologies, The Advisory Board Company. For example, tornado risk is essentially uniform within each local jurisdiction. An important consequence of this approach was the concentration on the distinctiveness of disaster agents and events. With only a few exceptions, federal organizations charged with addressing wartime attacks have been different from those charged with concerns about natural disasters. Driven in part by economic need, the NGA project became strong advocates for an �all hazards� approach to emergency management�which they called comprehensive emergency management�and their efforts drew intellectual strength from the comparative research at the Disaster Research Center. Each Region is supported by a Hazard Mitigation State Applicant Liaison (SAL) who is a GOHSEP employee. The significant feature driving these observations, however, is the extent of human encroachment into hazard prone areas. Sept. 11 is designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance to honor those lives lost, changed and those who answered the call to help after the devastating attacks. The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, which is more accurately labeled as an emergency than as a disaster, involved a danger period that lasted for about six days. Although the limited space available here requires compressing and simplifying many complex issues, the next two sections will describe the history of emergency management organizations, followed by a discussion of the functions that comprise emergency management. Public Assistance State Applicant Liaison. Hurricane Katrina�s destruction of the local emergency response agencies and disruption of other local government agencies in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama certainly qualifies for this designation. The early years of FEMA saw much significant legislation and activity. Ultimately, some emergency or disaster related programs remained in thirteen cabinet level departments, including Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation and Treasury. Found inside – Page 25... Mission Support David Garratt U.S. Fire Administrator Kelvin Cochran Regional Administrators, Regions I-X Dep. ... Carwile (A) Duputy Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administrator Ed Connor FIGURE 1-5 FEMA organizational chart. MPA '06 – Assisting municipalities with legal issues including planning, human resources, and finance. Volunteers Needed: 9/11 Day. Executive Director, Delaware State Board of Education, B.A. If the location of a potentially catastrophic event cannot be defined in advance, the feasible set of mitigation actions is severely limited. The local response usually centers on preparations for the mobilization of local emergency services (fire department, EMS, hazardous materials teams, police, transportation and public works departments, and emergency managers) under an agreed upon incident management system (Brunacini, 2001; Kramer & Bahme, 1992). Each SAL is trained to provide programmatic guidance on all hazard mitigation assistance grants (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM). In this context, researchers argued that different agents have different characteristics and impose different demands on the social system and as a result probably must be explained using different theories. You can choose your academic level: high school, college/university, master's or pHD, and we will assign you a writer who can satisfactorily meet your professor's expectations. Emergency managers can also address the fourth question�how disaster preparedness will be established and maintained�in EOP and ROP. Thus, hurricane hazard refers to the potential for hurricanes to affect a given location. Second, speed of onset typically is gradual (by definition requiring a minimum of six hours to reach a flood crest, although more rapid onset can occur during flash floods in mountainous areas). This practice emphasized the problem of identifying and responding to different demands growing out of the crisis and set the stage for subsequent identification of generic or �common� management functions across disasters. On a practical level, implementing CEM involves identifying generic emergency response functions and then specifying circumstances (tied to the impact of different disaster agents) under which they will need to be employed. Since being adopted by FEMA, it is now widely accepted as an appropriate model for understanding the activities of emergency management. The most probable secondary threat of a nuclear power plant accident is associated with the effects of residual radiation exposure arising from ground deposition and water contamination by radioactive materials. Operations mounted to counter secondary threats include fighting urban fires after earthquakes, identifying contaminated water supplies, or other public health threats following flooding, identifying contaminated wildlife or fish in connection with a toxic chemical spill, or preparing for flooding following glacier melt during a volcanic eruption. Indeed, in some respects, it hardly seems necessary to explain the need for a profession whose purpose is saving lives and property in disasters. It is the collapse of the cultural protections that constitutes the disaster proper. Certainly this is so if by an integrated system one means a well-defined and clearly differentiated structure of components with mutually agreed upon roles interacting over time in a coordinated manner to achieve common goals (see Katz & Kahn, 1978, for a discussion of the systems perspective on organizations). Moreover, the duration of the primary flood impact is much shorter than a volcanic eruptive sequence or a nuclear power plant accident. The initial goal of IEMS was to facilitate the development of disaster management functions and (at the time it was introduced) to increase congressional support for a larger civil defense budget (Perry, 1985, p. 130). From the standpoint of practicing emergency managers, such minor variations pose few operational difficulties. Incentives provide extrinsic rewards for compliance with community policies. Still a third factor is a growing sensitivity to hazards on the part of the public-at-large that is driven by media attention to periodic catastrophes associated with the forces of nature and technology. The important point to be derived from these definitions is that events precipitated by a variety of hazard agents�floods, chemical spills, volcanoes, nuclear power plant accidents, terrorist attacks�all fit equally well into these definitions as disasters. Finally, emergency response actions need to be coordinated with disaster recovery. Ph.D. '15 - Vast experience with military strategy and conducting military research. This amendment also provided for federal matching of state and local government civil defense expenditures, which actually began to be funded in 1961 under the administration of President John F. Kennedy. In some cases, especially hazmat releases, the hazard agent�s speed of onset is so variable from one incident to another that there is no general rule regarding evacuation versus sheltering in-place. Acts of Fate/Acts of God For millennia, disasters were considered to arise from impersonal and uncontrollable forces�either from unfortunate alignments of stars and planets or as acts of God that were beyond human understanding. From this classic definition (as well as from the definitions discussed previously in this chapter) one can surmise that disasters occur at a distinguishable time, are geographically circumscribed and that they disrupt social activity. Both Fritz and Barton agree that any event that produces a significant change in the pattern of inputs and outputs for a given social system may be reasonably characterized as a disaster. The second usage of the term emergencies refers to the imminence of an event rather than the severity of its consequences. Solar Projects, MPA '97 - energy industry project development, regulatory and asset management, Ph.D. Student in Public Policy, School of Public Policy & Administration. Responsibility for federal assistance in the case of major natural disasters became the responsibility of the Housing and Home Finance Administration. '15 - Experienced and published media policy researcher. Technological activities also initiate disasters. At least on paper, the Executive Order made FEMA the focal point for all federal efforts in emergency management. Operating together, these forces gave rise to Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) as a basic conceptual approach to disasters and to managing emergencies. In the previous year, the Northridge, California, earthquake resulted in approximately $33 billion in damages. Found inside – Page E-46Established relationship with national and regional elements of FEMA . 5. The organization should be experienced with emergency programs with DoD and Federal . 6 . Initial ( 2-3 years ) focus should be at Washington level . 7. The characteristics derived from the disaster research literature have provided a systematic set of attributes that could be used to examine and compare riverine floods, volcanic eruptions, and nuclear power plant accidents. According to Carr (1932, p. 211) Not every windstorm, earth-tremor, or rush of water is a catastrophe. These risks include both health and safety dangers for the occupants themselves and dangers to the physical or material culture created by the occupants. Ultimately, as technologies grow, diversify, and become increasingly integrated into human life, the associated risks also grow. Chapter 15 will examine the future of emergency management in terms of the issues and trends that are likely to affect emergency managers in the coming decades. The sheer number of secondary threats associated with volcanoes is quite large; ultimately they involve long-term threats to public health, to the stability of man-made structures, and to plants and animals in land and water ecosystems. With such significant potential consequences, vulnerability assessment and disaster preparedness have become both imbedded in business planning and thriving businesses in themselves. That is, they offer negative inducements that add to the inherent negative consequences of a hazard adjustment or offset the inherent positive consequences of that hazard adjustment. '09 – Developing policies to better manage water drainage and promote environmental sustainability. Some technologies, such as nuclear power plants, pose seemingly exotic risks, whereas more commonplace technological processes such as metal plating operations use chemical agents that are very dangerous. Although Sarin is extremely lethal, the attack resulted in only twelve deaths and approximately 1,046 patients being admitted to hospitals (Reader, 2000). The third process to be initiated is environmental monitoring for the hazards to be managed. Found inside – Page 34041448 : 24841448 298 8706250164 Forwards NAC functional organization chart ( NUREG - 0325 ) & addendum to NRC budget ... 8706250533 Application for amend to License NPF - 30.revising Tech Spec Pages 2-7,2-9 & B2-5 to require use of as ... As this group grappled with what it means to manage emergencies, it generated considerable discussion and some controversy within both the disaster research and emergency management communities. In the late 1970s, four major programs were established within the Executive Office of the President: Dam Safety Coordination, Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program, Warning and Emergency Broadcast System, and Consequences Management in Terrorism. Both volcanic eruptions and nuclear power plant accidents generate secondary threats. It is certainly true that, over the years, more people have been affected by natural disasters and losses are becoming progressively greater. It is human response to the natural environment, technology, or other humans that produces the disasters of hurricanes, tornadoes, hazmat releases, or wartime attacks. These community hazard management strategies must be individually implemented by households and businesses, or collectively implemented by government agencies acting on behalf of the entire community. Sometimes people choose hazardous places, building houses on picturesque cliffs, on mountain slopes, in floodplains, near beautiful volcanoes, or along seismic faults. The emergency response phase ends when the situation is stabilized, which means that the risk of loss of life and property has returned to precrisis levels. Thus, classifying hazard agents with respect to defining characteristics allows emergency managers to better define the ways in which generic functions (e.g., emergency assessment, hazard operations, population protection, and incident management) should be implemented to achieve comprehensive emergency management. Each of the four theories is currently believed by at least some members of society. The SALs assist their regional Parishes with all aspects of implementing FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant funding and its related projects. Collectively, these factors have generated a social environment in which governments' ethical and legal obligations to protect citizens, and private sector interest in self-protection, have attracted attention to emergency management. The 21st Century has seen no more agreement than the 20th Century did, although there are two discernable trends in the literature. A resume a public Assistance state Applicant Liaison ( SAL ) who a! 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