governor felix and festus

I wonder why Felix allowed Paul to make his defense. Only six years old when her father died in 44, Julia Drusilla was originally betrothed to Epiphanes, the son of the king of Commagene (between Cappadocia and Syria), on the condition he convert to Judaism (including circumcision). "stood up ... and ... [went] aside" (Acts In the mean time, Felix seeks to receive a bribe from Paul. The Jews presented their accusations against Paul and asked Festus to bring him to Jerusalem. The exact time of Festus in office is not known. Both of these leaders did have a chance to stand up for the men being accused and decided to put the decisions in the hands of others. Juts like he tried to obtain favor of the Jews while also trying to get a bribe from Paul. In Acts 24 Paul is transferred to the governor Felix for protection from the Jews. Who was Felix. Festus succeeded Felix as governor. Again, I do see that he is selfish and irresponsible, so it would make sense that it would cause negative effects on Judea as a whole. Riots were occurring repeatedly with villages being burned, looted, and plundered. I believe that as the governor he would just tell someone else to keep watch of Paul. It is also interesting in the fact that “Felix, having a rather accurate knowledge of the Way” (Acts 24:22) did the opposite of how God calls us to live our lives and one of those ways is to love others, but instead he used extreme violence that contradicted the way of peace that God calls us to promote. Last week we left the story of Paul at Acts 24:27 … This is seen in Jesus’ time as well as Paul. It was the last sentence of P.Longs post that made it all makes sense to me, “Like politicians of all ages.” That is exactly why he acted the way he did. And I could do that only by my status as governor. He was appointed as governor of Judea about A.D. 52 by the emperor Claudius. Acts 24:27 Festus served about two years as governor (procurator). Felix planned a large and ostentatious gathering with Agrippa, high-ranking officials and the important men of the city. One point I think is interesting and slightly humorous that Long points it out too, is that politicians throughout the ages, are still all the same. He met with Paul off and on for two years. His most recent book is Galatians: Freedom through God’s Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). Much learning is driving you mad!" … So in persecuting the Christians for saying that they have a king who was going to come back and set up his kingdom, he felt justified in persecuting them. In Felix’s case, his focus on Roman superiority has made him cruel and indifferent towards other ethnic groups. Festus was The Roman governor of Judaea and successor to governor Felix. It does not seem to matter the time, the country, the culture, or the technology, politicians will always be politicians. "forgiveness of sins" (Acts 26:18). Babylonian appointed governors of Judea: Gedaliah (and more); Persian appointed … Leave a comment Posted in church of philadelphia , election of grace , God , God's elect , Jesus , Jesus Christ , Messiah , Uncategorized Tagged Apostle Paul before governor Felix , Felix tries to bribe Paul . Term in office. In Acts 24, we see Felix a governor, he was a well-known man. (24:27b) If I was the governor of a particular state (michigan for example) I would take my people’s thoughts into consideration but I would make the final decision on the matter whether the people agreed with it or not. likewise today when we address an ambassador as "Your Excellency" or a judge Found inside – Page 13Paul's arrest in Jerusalem and arraignment before the provincial governor , Felix , in Caesarea ( 23 : 23-24 : 23 ) ... no doubt prolonged by Felix to gain favor with Jewish subjects , Felix was replaced by Porcius Festus ( AD 59-60 ) . God always has a plan and places all positions of authority in place for his purpose. As it has already been mentioned in previous posts, Felix does nothing to defend Paul. Felix listened to Paul's defense but delayed a ruling. Felix held the position that was once held by Pontus Pilate. Most politicians have a little bit of education to prove for themselves. There are some questions resulting from Felix’s actions. This is not exactly what Felix did, but he was wise in the way of not acting quickly because he did not want rioting and trouble on his hands, shoving off the responsibility onto someone else. This in my opinion looking on the outside, was not a great idea and would be a gamble. "Christ" (Acts 26:23) prophesied by those prophets. It is kind of cool to note however Felix had a Jewish wife, I wonder if this made him feel more inclined to help out the Jew by leaving Paul in prison. Polhill even goes as far as to say, “He [Felix] was somewhat inept and had his share of weaknesses” (p.2136). He said “Just because we cannot explain it doesn’t mean God cannot do it”. Both governors Felix and Festus and now King Agrippa have heard Paul's Faith and Testimony in Christ Jesus. Either way, Felix did not seem to interested in justice, but more interested in protecting his position as governor. This reminds me a lot of how Gamaliel acted in Acts 5, “take care what you are about to do with these men…so in present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail” (Acts 5:35-39). Most likely, Felix viewed Paul, although not guilty, as causing disturbances because of the disagreements between him and the Jews. To Emperor Caesar you'll go!" (Ac 25:1-12). Paul Before Felix, Festus and Agrippa Friday, March 9, 2018. . κρατιστε (kratiste), the original Greek word Felix’s ethnocentrism alone could have given reason to imprison or treat Paul very poorly, but God is faithful to Paul and delivers him from a situation that could have gone very poorly for Paul. Felix had said that Paul should stay in prison until Felix heard what Lysias, the chief captain, had to say about Paul. History outside the Book of Acts offers no … (Acts 26:27)? Hilary, I agree with you when you say that Felix seems like a slime-ball. Marcus Antonius Felix was a brother of Marcus Antonius Pallas, a freedman and a powerful courtier of the emperor Claudius. "I would to God that Still, as with Felix, we can identify them as his by using the name and regnal year of the emperor. I found it very fascinating that certain individuals talked about Felix in a very high-up way when on the other hand he used extreme violence. ), and it is at least possible that Drusilla was with her son at the time. In fact, Jews probably more deference from the Romans than most captured people. fes'-tus, por'-shi-us Porkios Phestos): The Roman governor or procurator who succeeded Felix in the province of Judea (), and was thus brought … Paul Before Festus- Acts 25:1-27. (24:23-26) It is almost as if the Jews control what is going on in the city (including governmental matters. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. This governor was nothing like Gallio, who displayed integrity. “It is your responsibility!” Felix, like Pilate, was trying to keep the peace because they saw it as the best overall option for the people. Paul went to Jerusalem anyway, because he was willing to do whatever God wanted him to. This volume provides a unique opportunity not only to learn about the custodial system of the Graeco-Roman world, but to better view Paul's persona and Christian mission as well. all expenses-paid voyage to Rome, which is where the Lord wanted him to go. After looking into Acts 24 I think that Felix fits the description of what this blog has to talk about. Just because it is a hard story to believe doesn’t mean it is false or not accurate. When the Egyptian rallied people in the desert, Felix attack, killing four hundred followers. The book deals with Paul's personality, with the major events of his time, and with his contacts with important people of the Roman Empire, such as the Roman officials in Palestine, Governor Gallio in Corinth, the philosopher Seneca, and ... What could have happened if Paul hadn't appealed to Caesar? The high priest went to Caesarea along with some elders and a lawyer. 20.163, JW 2.256). I had no idea that Felix was a freed slave! “No one but a citizen of Rome really counted for much in the ancient world!” I also find it interesting that this part of the blog was in there because Paul actually was a roman citizen and at this point, everyone who held him captive knew it. Had Paul made an error by appealing to be judged by Caesar. He most likely had individuals that pushed back on his ideas and he wanted nothing of it. Festus, Bernice and others discuss him among themselves. Coins: During the reign of the emperor Nero, Festus minted coins in the custom of Roman governors, which do not show his own name. The Jews found Festus' appointment an auspicious time to have Paul tried once again, and the apostle, knowing a trial in Jerusalem would lead to his unjust execution, appealed to Caesar, a right allowed any Roman citizen. There is little to no effort for him there. and Festus, the Roman governor, would have had seats of equal prestige. This is especially exemplified in verses 26 and 27 which, in summary, state, “…he hoped that money would be given to him by Paul… and desiring to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul in prison…” (p.2137). He dealt quickly with two separate messianic movements (Antiq. And these weren't Luke was the most flattering towards the governor when he wrote about him in the book of Acts than any other ancient writer (Long). Paul observed, "I know that you do believe" (Acts He handed him off to the next governor, Festus. Porcius … Romans, on the other hand, thought of themselves as so superior to the conquered people that they rarely took into consideration local thoughts and opinions. Found insideGalatians is one of the earliest of the Pauline letters and is therefore among the first documents written by Christians in the first century. Now knowing all these things about him, it makes sense why he handled the situation of Paul in prison the way that he did. When the time came down to figuring out what to do, he gave the decision to Festus. Another reason could be that Felix only saw Paul as a disturbance. Festus took over after Felix was “removed from office in AD 60 for failing to deal properly with a dispute between the Jews and Gentiles in Caesarea” (Polhill, 2137). Felix and Festus. Maybe P Long could help us out with that question. Vesuvius (Antiq. This passage is clear, Felix held onto Paul because he figured, “this guy might get sick of being in prison and try to buy his way out.”. THE NAME FESTUS APPEARS IN THE BIBLE IN THE FOLLOWING VERSES: Acts 24:27 KJV. Felix … She was reputed to be very beautiful (Antiq. We can see this same mentality in Herod in the time of Jesus, when he killed all of those babies to prevent this Jewish king who was born (Jesus in Matthew 2:16) from ruling. Felix listened to Paul's defense but delayed a ruling. Two years later, Paul was still in prison and Felix was not the governor anymore. Felix persuaded Drusilla, then about 20, to leave her husband and marry him. Felix listened to Paul's defense but delayed a ruling. 20.8.10). It’s hard to say. to Agrippa (see below). Festus succeeded Felix as governor. His actions overall would lead to a revolution, as Long stated, all because Felix wanted everything for his own gain and really did not care how it affected the people of Judea, Paul, and Festus. Felix is indeed aware of Paul’s citizenship, as the commander who arrested Paul, Claudius Lysias, mentioned it in his letter to the governor (Acts 23:27-30). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What we know about Festus is generally good, especially when compared to Felix. Image ID: rhpas0856. They presented their case against Paul before … I wonder if his cruelty was one of the reasons why he was so concerned about the coming judgement that Paul talked about during one of their meetings (Acts 24:25, ESV). I picture this guy a little like the governor of laketown from the hobbit. As I read though chapter 24 and the post, I first thought that it was odd that Felix did not do more with Paul. Paul Is Brought Before Royalty: Governors Felix and Festus A. Artist/Photographer: Review & Herald Publishing. a favorite in the court, this lead Felix to believe that he could do as he pleased. Although I suppose that in some way, religion always has some effect on state, time and time again it is the religious leaders that are bringing up matters to the Roman government. Many historians believe that Felix may have had tuberculosis (like many other Romans), and that this was the cause of his death. "Older Student" Tips: In A.D. 52 Antonius Felix became the governor of Judea and was stationed in Herod's palace in Caesarea. Felix didn't release Paul. But after two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, and wishing to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul imprisoned. that he had been serious and not sarcastic? As Nick said in his post, Felix resembles Pontious. Whom else did Paul tell should become a Christian? words of truth and reason" (Acts 26:25) - and then pivots from Festus The Jews made formal complaint to the Emperor with the result that Felix was recalled and Porcius Festus sent in his stead." A. T. Robertson, III, p. 424. The way the people went to Paul and spoke to him accusing him and it seemed like they had to do everything on Paul time. It examines the sequence of events in the light of the character and background of the two men, of Paul's own experiences at the hands of Roman authorities, and of the relevant Roman laws and procedures bearing on his case. prominent men of the city". Governor Festus was very inexperienced in Jewish affairs. However, it seems that Felix does not deal harshly with Paul, rather just pushes the case to the successor. Festus replaced Felix as governor of Judaea, and at that time the residence of the governor was in Caesarea. The first 10 verses of Chapter 25 is Paul's trial before Festus. 20.144. Felix was a mean and cruel man and his period of office was full of troubles and sedition. However, the portrayal of Luke on Felix is abit different, as I was reading the chapter, I was shock by the way Felix treated Paul. It altogether such as I am ...", "This Of Porcius Festus' life prior to his appointment to Antonius Felix' vacant procuratorship nothing is known. However, I agree with Chris in saying that this event (with all of its questions) does not lessen the authority of Scripture in any way. Even so, I wonder if his wife ever converted to Christianity due to her background and knowledge of it. He either will get punished for not keeping these rights for a Roman citizen or he does this because he does not have to do them. Considering Felix’s reputation one might wonder or be surprised by the fact that he did not do more to Paul than leave him in prison let alone allow him advantages in prison. "outside for a little while" (Acts 5:34, see excellent Festus" (Acts 26:25)? There are many things that I cannot comprehend, take God’s love for me, it is amazing and I really wonder why He does love me but He does and I am cool with it. When we read Acts 24 we are introduced to the Roman governor Felix. Roman procurator (governor) of Judea, who succeeded Felix Antonius and who was succeeded by Albinus. It always intrigues me when we put the scriptures in the political context of the day. We know that he tactful because; he had “a rather accurate knowledge of the way” (Acts 24:22). Why is twitter saying my phone number is invalid? that he had been serious and not sarcastic? "They urgently . When I was learning about Felix in Acts 24, it was a whole new topic for me since I never had read about him before! The date is variously given as a.d. 57, 58, 59 and 60. Copyright 2021 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. This situation, however, was not the case as he held a reputation for cruelty and mistreatment. Donated by Tremendous Life Books. We do When his time as governor ended, Felix left Paul in prison because he did not want to upset the Jews. Paul went before Felix. But … Like the other Roman governors of Judea, he was anti-Semitic, although this might be better to describe Felix as “Roman-centric.”  Nevertheless, this assassination is one of the factors which led to the Jewish Revolt. FESTUS (Fesʹtus) [from Lat., Festal; Joyful]. Was Agrippa being serious or sarcastic when he said to Paul, Vesuvius (Antiq. "I am not mad ... but speak the The Jews presented their accusations against Paul and asked Festus to bring him to Jerusalem. Both were  favorites of Claudius. In the surviving books of his Histories the barrister-historian Tacitus, writing some thirty years after the events he describes, gives us a detailed account based on excellent authorities. two years. Everyone in the auditorium: "I would to God that In the title article of this collection, Dan Rogers explored the biblical evidence for people of color mentioned in the Bible. In additional articles, other writers discuss Black History Month, Reconciliation issues, and related topics. Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. The life and rule of Felix provides some real insight into the oppression that the Christian community was enduring. (Unlike, Felix, the internet has very little to say about Festus of the Bible, but a … A few days later, King Agrippa and his sister … Governor Festus, taking over for Governor Felix, made his first visit to Jerusalem three days after arriving in the province. Porcius Festus was procurator of Judea from about AD 59 to 62, succeeding Antonius Felix. Originally the Sarum Lectures delivered at the University of Oxford in 1960-61, this volume deals with the Hellenistic and Roman setting, and especially the legal, administrative, and municipal background, of the Acts of the Apostles and ... In my opinion, Felix was a true politician, who had no major interests in religious affairs whatsoever, and was not so sensitive toward any sort of religious affair. A New Governor Acts 25:1-5. Do you think this is simply a coincidence, or something more? In comparison to the corrupt rule of Felix, Festus was a breath of fresh air: Josephus' writing picture Festus as a prudent and honorable governor. After listening to the accusers and Paul speak, he chose to keep Paul in prison and was expecting a bribe from Paul. Page 2 of 4 Lesson Topic #1 Acts 25:1 - 12 "Now when Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Hilary, great job on your discussion post this week. 6 months 1 year 1 year, six months 2 years 3 years 2 points QUESTION 16 1. Period of office was full of troubles and sedition believe ” ( ESV ) I! But is soft hearted and respectful towards religious affairs above, how long did governor Felix not.! Agrippa have heard Paul & # x27 ; s culchure. he chose to keep watch Paul... God 's will for our lives, even if that means physical chains told them all about the (! 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